This is a common misconception. Termites readily penetrate concrete slab floors through gaps such as expansion joints and cracks and also alongside service penetrations such as pipes, drains, electrical wiring etc.
Termites often gain entry over the outside edge of the slab floor, sometimes by building mud shelter tubes that protect termites from the elements and in many homes this slab edge is not exposed because of the concrete paths and gardens, this condition may also allow the termites undetected entry into your home.
In recent years, timber framed, brick veneer homes built on concrete slabs have become extremely popular and this form of construction is one of the highest risk types in terms of termite attack.
Where possible we ask our clients to avoid disturbing termites before a thorough inspection can be carried out. Disturbing the termites may prevent identification of the termite species and may make it difficult to assess the extent of the infestation in your house. It can also reduce the number of treatment options available.
However, even if you have sprayed termites already, we can still tailor a solution to your problem. The important thing is to take action and arrange an inspection as soon as possible to prevent further damage to disturb the termites is that disturbed termites will normally move on and may affect another area of your home or building.
With over 30 years of local experience in the Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone and Kandos areas you know you’re in safe hands We at Endapest pride ourselves in providing a comprehensive pest control services to your home or business premises We have developed our methods and systems of pest management to make them environmentally friendly and cost effective.
Endapest have been operating in the pest control industry for over 30 years, so you know you are not only buying the best methods and products but you are also getting the experience with it.
All the pest and termite control agents that we use are rigorously tested and approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority in Canberra.
In some cases, these materials are not even rated as poisons and have no observable negative effect on humans.
Many of the treatment options that we use, such as termite baiting, completely avoid the application of liquid soil barrier control agents (poisons) altogether.
A residential application is typically completed by a trained, accredited technician in less than two hours for pest control and less than a day for most termite protection treatments.
Endapest have been operating in the pest control industry for over 30 years, so you know you are not only buying the best methods and products but you are also getting the experience with it.
No Part of our normal procedure is to ascertain the situation in your property We use the safest, most modern materials available and will not carry out any work which might cause a problem.
We ask that pregnant women and any children less that 4 years of age be absent while treatment is being carried out and for 4 hours afterwards. This is just to be extra careful in case any allergy-type reactions occur.
Animals must be kept off treated surfaces until they are dry – usually about 30 minutes.
The control agents we use are approved for use in hospitals, child care centres, food manufacturing and preparation areas and many other sensitive situations In most cases these materials are odourless.
Yes. Many of our clients are in a similar position and we only apply odourless control agents and we may ask you to vacate the premises for an hour or so following treatment or longer if your allergy or asthma is particularly severe.
With the recent developments in low-odour low-toxicity control agents and treatments, being allergic, sensitive or having asthma means you have no longer to share your home with unwanted pests.
The Endapest warranty period means that if the pests we treated for you come back within the warranty period then so do we – with no further charge to you.
With over 30 years of local experience in the Mudgee, Gulgong, Rylstone and Kandos areas you know you’re in safe hands We at Endapest pride ourselves in providing a comprehensive pest control services to your home or business premises We have developed our methods and systems of pest management to make them environmentally friendly and cost effective.
Endapest have been operating in the pest control industry for over 30 years, so you know you are not only buying the best methods and products but you are also getting the experience with it.
All the pest and termite control agents that we use are rigorously tested and approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority in Canberra.
In some cases, these materials are not even rated as poisons and have no observable negative effect on humans.
Many of the treatment options that we use, such as termite baiting, completely avoid the application of liquid soil barrier control agents (poisons) altogether.
A residential application is typically completed by a trained, accredited technician in less than two hours for pest control and less than a day for most termite protection treatments.
Endapest have been operating in the pest control industry for over 30 years, so you know you are not only buying the best methods and products but you are also getting the experience with it.
No Part of our normal procedure is to ascertain the situation in your property We use the safest, most modern materials available and will not carry out any work which might cause a problem.
We ask that pregnant women and any children less that 4 years of age be absent while treatment is being carried out and for 4 hours afterwards. This is just to be extra careful in case any allergy-type reactions occur.
Animals must be kept off treated surfaces until they are dry – usually about 30 minutes.
The control agents we use are approved for use in hospitals, child care centres, food manufacturing and preparation areas and many other sensitive situations In most cases these materials are odourless.
Yes. Many of our clients are in a similar position and we only apply odourless control agents and we may ask you to vacate the premises for an hour or so following treatment or longer if your allergy or asthma is particularly severe.
With the recent developments in low-odour low-toxicity control agents and treatments, being allergic, sensitive or having asthma means you have no longer to share your home with unwanted pests.
The Endapest warranty period means that if the pests we treated for you come back within the warranty period then so do we – with no further charge to you.
This is a common misconception. Termites readily penetrate concrete slab floors through gaps such as expansion joints and cracks and also alongside service penetrations such as pipes, drains, electrical wiring etc.
Termites often gain entry over the outside edge of the slab floor, sometimes by building mud shelter tubes that protect termites from the elements and in many homes this slab edge is not exposed because of the concrete paths and gardens, this condition may also allow the termites undetected entry into your home.
In recent years, timber framed, brick veneer homes built on concrete slabs have become extremely popular and this form of construction is one of the highest risk types in terms of termite attack.
Where possible we ask our clients to avoid disturbing termites before a thorough inspection can be carried out. Disturbing the termites may prevent identification of the termite species and may make it difficult to assess the extent of the infestation in your house. It can also reduce the number of treatment options available.
However, even if you have sprayed termites already, we can still tailor a solution to your problem. The important thing is to take action and arrange an inspection as soon as possible to prevent further damage to disturb the termites is that disturbed termites will normally move on and may affect another area of your home or building.
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